יום שלישי, 30 באפריל 2013


A mezuzah מְזוּזָה is a doorpost. Is a piece of parchment contained in a decorative case inscribed with specified Hebrew verses from the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21).These verses comprise the Jewish prayer \\\"Shema Israel\\\", beginning with the phrase: \\\"Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One\\\"

Add a special ITEM to your collections of souvenirs; ENJOY the REAL touch of the Holy Land gift… the touch of authenticity from the Holy Land!!!

This Mezuzah is olive wood plated with metal hand enameled decoration

        on the mezuzah there is Hebrew letter "SHIN". This is first lettering of "SHOMER DLATOT ISRAEL"o"Guardian of the Doors of Israel" - one of the names of G-d

you can find more in www.halamit-l.com

יום חמישי, 25 באפריל 2013

Halamit LeibovichVisitor Center

Halamit Leibovich is a workshop which was founded by Berl and Bela Leibovich. Berl's expertise was in metals: casting and plating. Berl had acquired his profound knowledge in the University of Romania. Berl's great knowledge in metals was a great blessing, the Nazies who depended much on this knowledge let him manage a heavy metal plant during the second world war so that Berl and Bela were in fact protected and unhurt and managed to survive the years of the Holocaust..

Berl and Bela made "aliyaa" (emigrated from Romania to Israel) in 1951.
In this very year Joseph their only son was born.

Berl was at this time the only, the first and the pioneer Israeli expert in the area of metals, so he was called by many institutions to teach and along with his teachings he founded Halamit, the family metal coating workshop.

In years to come, Joseph the son joined the workshop and expanded his knowledge and expertise in metals, he graduated in Spain. By the time Berl had retired Joseph took over the workshop together with his wife Sarah again expanded the areas of the workshop and specialized in hand crafting of naturally processed olive wood and combined metal and olive wood relics and souvenirs for both the Jewish and the Christian believers. The source of the olivewood is from the Galilee olive trees.

Joseph passed away in 2001.

Since then Sarah the wife and Lilach their daughter manage the workshop.

Joseph had many times expressed his dream to build a shop – a visitor center adjacent to the workshop –so that tourists, believers and other visitors would be able to see all Halamit's products "under one roof" and upon their request will be able to watch and learn about the process of their production. Joseph's dream was that the visitors will experience something special, will be

Welcome in a warm and embracing atmosphere so that their visit will be fun.

Sarah and Lilach worked hard on fulfilling Joseph's dream expanding the concept of the shop – upgrading it to a visitors' center that will not only show and sell Halamit's products, but products and handmade art works of local Golan artists and craftsmen with emphasis of all made in Israel, the Holy Land products.

Sarah and Lilach the third generation is proud to declare after 50 years that they are the only manufacturer of these products that are fully and completely manufactured in Israel.

Halamit is marketing its products to tourist shops and visitors centers throughout the country and the rest of the world, maintaining the highest quality and of course the outstanding service and reliability.
Halamit's Visitors' Center offers tours which explain and demonstrate the production process from the start to the "finishing" while emphasizing the importance of local handicrafts.
The visitors can also get a taste of the oil, jams, wine, and everything made in the Golan Heights
